Efficiency to marketing with eLetter
E-newsletter has grown interest in past few years due to cost saving, ecology and promptness. Focus, personalization and multiple tracking capabilities are important part of communication.
Easy and simple
With our eLetter-software you create newsletters fast and effortless. Contents and appearance of letters are customizable.
Add personal touch
You can add customer focused content, for example greeting the customer with name.
Unlimited messages
There is no limit to how many messages you can send. You can send mail from where and when you want with web-browser. Taking advantage of address book you send your messages fast to right customer.
Varied tracking
You can track, who has read your letters and how many times receiver have opened links. In statistics you'll also see, in which days and what time your letters are most read, and you can schedule your messages accordingly.
Attach social media as part of marketing
You can publish your eLetters in Facebook -and Twitter-feed.
Sending attachments
With eLetter you can effotlessly send e-cards, price lists and offers.
Compare campaign efficiency
You can compare between two campaigns sending letter with diverse titles to small groups. After comparisation, software will automatically send the letter which got more openings.
Include RSS-feed
You can add live content to your letter.