
Efficiency to marketing with eLetter

E-newsletter has grown interest in past few years due to cost saving, ecology and promptness. Focus, personalization and multiple tracking capabilities are important part of communication.

Easy and simple

With our eLetter-software you create newsletters fast and effortless. Contents and appearance of letters are customizable.

Add personal touch

You can add customer focused content, for example greeting the customer with name.

Unlimited messages

There is no limit to how many messages you can send. You can send mail from where and when you want with web-browser. Taking advantage of address book you send your messages fast to right customer.

Varied tracking

You can track, who has read your letters and how many times receiver have opened links. In statistics you'll also see, in which days and what time your letters are most read, and you can schedule your messages accordingly.

Attach social media as part of marketing

You can publish your eLetters in Facebook -and Twitter-feed.

Sending attachments

With eLetter you can effotlessly send e-cards, price lists and offers.

Compare campaign efficiency

You can compare between two campaigns sending letter with diverse titles to small groups. After comparisation, software will automatically send the letter which got more openings.

Include RSS-feed

You can add live content to your letter.

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File Bank

Flexible file sharing

File Bank is a file management solution for your business. The system allows recording, arranging, and if you want to share even large files and folders with your employees, partners, and your customers. This allows you to forget the problems of e-mail attachments and size limits.

The system is available all over the web through a browser, and you do not need to install anything on your computer. Files and folders in an easy to use interface to move through the data bank on your workstation, and vice versa, and then you will get an automatic e-mail reminders are always informed when their managed folder is moved or updated files.

User rights are managed by individual or team user accounts and thus is limited to exactly who gets what files to edit, view, and copy. User groups formed by sharing your folders quickly for large groups, and so the new price lists and meeting minutes easily move from, say, the Working group. You can also editing the file, leave it in connection with your own notes or comments about the file such as restrictions on access or on which version of the file.

File database be installed either on its own or in a shared virtual server. Virtual server security level is very high. Its own virtual server operation is completely separated from other clients and servers, and the information is solely at the customer's own use.

File database includes:

  • hard-disk space 20 GB HDD
  • a fixed public IP address
  • Geotrust SSL Certificate (https), automatic control of a secure site
  • Internet bandwidth 10mb (domestic and foreign)
  • Firewall service
  • Virtual server backup daily, monitoring, and security updates

Our sales are happy to provide additional information by e-mail myynti@easylinehost.fi

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